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flanoman's replacement mod app.

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flanoman's replacement mod app. Empty flanoman's replacement mod app.

Post  flanoman Fri Jul 22, 2011 7:13 am

Since Xraer, owner of Xompalia Village nation left he gave me the possession of his Village and Nation. I know I have already applied for Moderator but now there is one less Mod I could be a help by filling in his place. Due to the rise of people joining this server I think it is neccesary to have more Mods.
With my Mod powers I am intending to make a new town called Golden Oak's or even better help with my current town.Ask Payton and maverick how helpful I am since I joined there town.

I hope I am useful to you.

Slan (bye in Irish XD)

Posts : 5
Join date : 2011-07-10
Location : Ireland

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flanoman's replacement mod app. Empty Re: flanoman's replacement mod app.

Post  Metroid Fri Jul 22, 2011 6:06 pm

Going to tell you right now it's pretty much pointless posting an application here since mikewho3 doesn't look here so your just going to have to ask him in game

Posts : 16
Join date : 2011-07-04
Age : 28

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