Crescent Moon MineCraft
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eh whatever

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eh whatever Empty eh whatever

Post  Toasty Wed Jul 06, 2011 3:01 pm

looks like i got banned, ip this time. ^^ well i enjoyed playing with you guys (im waffles). luigi,lolo,and dwight, thanks for being cool hope you guys live good lives. lovebucket i hope you burn in hell you are the worst "admin" i have ever seen. EVER. in all my years of gaming, i've played at least 50 different private servers(like this one) and not one admin/owner was as stupid/crappy as you. anyways bye everyone


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Join date : 2011-07-03

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eh whatever Empty Re: eh whatever

Post  lovebucket Wed Jul 06, 2011 4:42 pm

first of all, this is not a ban appeal this is a rage because you got banned for griefing
and it seems i should have banned you by ip anyways for ban avoidance
i had approved your other ban appeal as waffles, but now both are denied
as for being the worst admin ever, i fear you may be used to admins letting you have your way, as my rules are simple and there are no loopholes because i dont let people use loopholes, you may have gotten a more strict police force then you wanted, but if you break the rules, you must suffer the consequences, its ok though, you are gone now, and this topic is locked
kindly go from here with a peacefull demeanor
and a giant



Posts : 34
Join date : 2011-07-01

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