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Lovebucket please read

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Lovebucket please read Empty Lovebucket please read

Post  ArticWolf Mon Jul 11, 2011 5:19 am

As you already probably know, My name on the server was "ECGxDavidRalph"
I understand that the rules say no Greifing, and I purposefully killed SotaBoyOG's pet dog.
I meant to apologize and as well as i could tried to regain SotaBoy's trust, I obviously could not do so as he gave you permission to ban me... I wish that you would have given me a little time to apologize to you personally Love, and i understand that my actions were Stupid and Irrational, I was having some serious issues with my girlfriend at the time, and the dog thing being a huge deal set me off a bit, i should have kept my cool, and i shouldn't have killed sota's dog. i felt i had the right and i obviously did not. I would like to Re-Join the server, and have my Ip unbanned, seeying as how that was slightly harsh of Love, to ban my IP when this was my first offense ever to any Mod, or OP, so i'm just going to ask politely that the ban be removed. and i'm allowed to return to the server as "ArticWolf" and with a renewed sense of the rules, and respect for Op's and MOD's... I understand that you have power to remove people with the swish of your wrist. but i'm not dwight for fucks sake, i don't randomly bullshit and greif for no reason. also i really haven't found any other servers that have such an able group of people to work with, the town that i helped create (mountaintown) in the new server. was as beautiful as they come, and i wish that all my work put into it was not ended by my harsh comments and Love's Harsh Banning ability, i understand that in the past people would get away with that kind of bullshit, but i honestly am sorry for the disrespect i showed and would like to rejoin my friends in minecraft. i don't even have to be let back in the town, i just wish i was allowed to be back in the server around the same people i used to be. thank you for reading, regardless of if you are willing to unban me or not. the ban was reasonable, i just wish i had kept my cool, and i wish sotaboy had forgiven me before i became annoyed that the dog was such a big deal, i haven't had to deal with things like that before, so i didn't realize it would be taken so seriously and i apologize to Lovebucket, (pvp) and SotaBoyOG sincerely for killing his dog ruffles. i hope i can rejoin you both

Sincerely, ECGxDavidRalph (aka ArticWolf)

Posts : 3
Join date : 2011-07-11

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Lovebucket please read Empty Re: Lovebucket please read

Post  lovebucket Mon Jul 11, 2011 4:54 pm

private message me your ip address i have banned around 30 - 40 ips in the past 5 days due to ip cycling and finally range banned an entire isp area
i will approve your ban appeal THIS ONCE
if it happens again however it will be permanent, while i am a nice guy generally and help people out on the server, the amount of raging you did was no small thing, if an admin or mod tells you not to do something you dont do it, if your mayor tells you not to do something you dont do it, when he told you not to kill his dogs you laughed at him, when an admin (me) also an owner of the server (me) tells you there will be consequences if you do something again, dont rage, dont yell about how it isnt a big deal, just accept it, and move on, and dont do the action again

if you now understand these things i will let you back on the server
just private message me your ip adress so i can remove it from the list


Posts : 34
Join date : 2011-07-01

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